Todo list before quitting your job to turn as entrepreneur

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How to become an entrepreneur: Before knowing how to become an entrepreneur we need to understand to do list to quit the job. Entrepreneurship is a journey with a lot of uncertainty it is like bull riding Consequently we need to be prepared enough.Here is the to-do list before quitting the job. You need to get the bull into ...

6 Leadership attributes every entrepreneur should have

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  1.Are you a self-learner- first leadership quality: What is self-learning? Very few things are available in books to learn if that is the case every management student can be a business man or good at leadership. Is it happening? NO, Essentially many things in the world are not available in books. Every personality is different; every business ...

Better be Entrepreneur rather than Politician

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Be an entrepreneur rather than a politician, what is the relation between these two? Why do we need to map? To my knowledge, both have four common things to achieve in life. Apparently, business is full of politics and, politics is a classical business nowadays. In the real time scenario, entrepreneurs/businessmen are the backbones to drive ...

Wrong notion about ‘Never give up’

Never give up works like a formula for entrepreneurs and startup culture. I have been observing that majority of the entrepreneurs understating it in wrong way. Let me attempt to explain as it is a very sensitive topic. Why did I choose this topic: As the success rate in startups is below 5%, it is becoming a persistent problem for ...