7 Trends in technology rule 2017

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  The year 2016 stands as a witness of many introduction and development of new technologies which has changed the pace of the world. The technology is the collection of techniques and skills used to design and produce the goods. These technology trends are being changed frequently. Let us have a quick look at emerging technologies that ...

Can everyone access your data in future? Realize about cyber security

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    Do you ever think that there is someone who can monitor each and every move of us?  The World is moving towards digitization with advanced technologies in all sectors.  Modern technologies are getting used in different ways which may result in showing the harmful impact on human life. It's time to realize the importance Cyber ...

5 Potential advantages for Smart city with IoT

  Statistics of IoT in smart cities:   1.Smart Parking: The biggest problem in the cities is more than 30% of travelers looking for parking. As the majority of the people are migrating to cities every year. Eventually, vehicles are getting increased. Smart parking with IoT makes life a lot easier, parking slots can be sensed and available online ...

Asset management with Internet of things

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    Asset management with IoT at home: I have a car, home and few home appliances inside the home; these are the only assets I have, why do I need asset management with IoT? Let me answer your question; anything can be tracked globally with geo-smart tags and RFID (radio frequency identification) technology. You can keep track of ...

How big is the impact of IoT

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My answer is: We are going to have a significant impact  I personally fall in love with IoT and would like to be part of its evolution and revolution as well. IoT is going to be a technology revolution in next few years. Per few surveys, every industry, every device, every system and finally every human being is going ...